Doctor Who Toys

Character Options Time Squad

& Micro Figures



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  • All items listed on this page are new and from licensed distribution sources, unless noted. This will mean we receive new releases at about the same time as other retailers will, and estimated arrival dates we list are only estimates.
  • For items on this page listed with expected dates of initial arrival, we are now taking "Advance Orders." "Advance Orders" are considered committed purchases, and we will process credit card charges on those items when products arrive. Your payment or credit card information plus shipping preferences are required for an Advance Order. For Advance Ordering via check or money order, please write for information.
  • "Retail Price" is the prevailing or manufacturer's suggested retail price for these items. "Our Price" indicates the price we will charge if the item is still available in stock, not inclusive of shipping charges or prevailing Customs duties. For international orders, we are required by law to make an accurate Customs declaration.
  • Discontinued items sometimes may not be discounted or may sell above retail price.
  • Multiples may be available.
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  • Pictures used are often supplied by the manufacturer, and intended to be used with specific items. However, we do see some pictures may differ slightly from the actual item. If this concerns you, please ask and we will attempt to compare items with pictures. We will try to make notes or change pictures when truly gross differences between pictures and items is evident.
  • We will attempt to re-stock items that sell through. We feel this will not happen on items listed as "DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT", but we will be trying to re-stock all other items to the best of our ability.
  • We try not to limit quantities. However, where severe product allocation occurs, we may try to provide items to the most customers by limiting quantities...often as opposed to raising prices. If allocated products concern you, please join us in writing to manufacturers of the items.
  • Doctor Who Toys List

    Micro Figures

    Retail Price

    Our Price

    Character Building Monster Pack
    (Received 7 February 2014 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Character Building Silent Time Machine Set
    (Received 9 November 2012 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Cyberman Army Builder
    (Received 30 September 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Cyberman Value Pack
    5 Cyberman Collector Set
    (Received 12 October 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Cyberman Conversion Chamber Set
    Contains One Space Captain & One Cyberman Micro-Figure
    (Received 31 January 2012 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Dalek Drone Army Builder
    (Received 30 September 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Dalek Factory Set
    Contains One Dalek Drone & One Dalek Scientist Figure
    (Received 31 January 2012 - SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)



    Dalek Progenitor Room Mini Set
    (Received 30 December 2011 - SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)



    Character Building Dalek Spaceship Set
    (Received 3 November 2012 - SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)



    The Doctor In Berlin Mini-Set
    (Received 7 December 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    The Girl Who Waited Mini-Set
    (Received 7 December 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    TARDIS Console Room Mega Set
    Contains 11th Doctor, River Song, Rory Williams & Amy Pond figures
    (Received 31 January 2012 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    TARDIS Dematerialising Mini-Set
    (Received 7 December 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    TARDIS Mini Set
    Contains 11th Doctor & Amy Pond figures
    (Received 25 July 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Time Of Angels Mini Set
    Contains 1 Weeping Angel Figure
    [Other Figures NOT Included]
    (Received 25 July 2011 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Micro Universe

    Retail Price

    Our Price

    35mm Micro Universe Spacecraft
    (Received 17 March 2008)

    • Patrol Ship with Judoon Captain Figure (LAST ONE - DISCONTINUED)
    • TARDIS with Doctor Figure (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)
    • Chula Ship with Captain Jack Harkness Figure (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)
    • Sanctuary Base 6 Rocket with Doctor In Spacesuit (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)
    • Slitheen Cruiser with Space Pig Figure (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)
    • SS Madame de Pompadour with Figure (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)



    35mm Micro Universe Figures
    TARDIS Carry Case
    (Received 10 July 2008 - LIMITED SUPPLIES - DISCONTINUED)



    Mini Figures - 3.75" Scale

    Retail Price

    Our Price

    Spin & Fly TARDIS
    3.75" Scale
    (Received 25 June 2013 - DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)



    Hide Playset
    3.75" Scale
    (Received 7 February 2014)



    Cold War Playset (LIMITED SUPPLIES)
    Dalek Invasion Time Zone Playset (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)
    3.75" Scale
    (Received 2 July 2013)

    $26.99 each

    $17.99 each

    3.75" Assortment 1
    (Received 25 June 2013)

    • 11th Doctor (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)
    • Clara
    • Ice Warrior
    • Cyberman (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)

    All Advance Orders for this assortment received before 25 June 2013 were filled at a special $8.99 price per figure.

    No increased pricing was passed along for the short-packed Weeping Angel from this assortment.

    $13.99 each

    $9.50 each

    3.75" Variant Assortment 1

    • 11th Doctor (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)
    • Clara In Red Dress
    • Weeping Angel
    • Projected Weeping Angel
    • Black Dalek Sec (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)
    • Cyberman (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)

    $13.99 each

    $9.50 each

    3.75" 12th Doctor Assortment 1
    (Received 2 April 2014)

    • 12th Doctor [White Shirt] (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)
    • Clara In New Red Dress
    • Screaming Angel
    • Zygon
    • Dalek With Claw
    • Imperial Guard Dalek with Black Dome & Sensor (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)
    • 11th Doctor In Tweed Jacket

    $13.99 each

    $9.50 each

    3.75" Wave 3 Assortment
    (Received 2 October 2014)

    • 10th Doctor
    • 11th Doctor
    • 12th Doctor
    • Amy Pond
    • Asylum Dalek
    • Gold Supreme Dalek (DISCONTINUED - SOLD OUT)

    $13.99 each

    $9.50 each

    3.75" Day Of The Doctor Set
    (Received 25 March 2015 - LAST ONE)

    By special arrangement, Advance Orders received by 20 March 2015 were charged $20.00 per piece on this item.

    Thank you to all the many customers who continue to support this system that allows us to pass along special deals when they can be negotiated because you support these lines, pledging to purchase with a licensed retail specialist pledged to stand with you for what you want!

    All our Advance Orders on this item are shipped
    as of 25 March 2015.



    3.75" Wave 4 Assortment
    (Received June 2015)

    • 12th Doctor In Caretaker Outfit (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)
    • Skovox Blitzer (LAST ONE - DISCONTINUED)
    • The Foretold (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)
    • Cyberman With Arm Gun (SOLD OUT - DISCONTINUED)

    $13.99 each

    $9.50 each

    3.75" Dalek 2-Packs
    (Received July 2015)

    • Children Of The Revolution
    • Evil Of The Daleks
    • Dalek Invasion Of Earth

    $29.99 each

    $23.99 each

    Some accessory items may be on the Character Options Other Merchandise page.

    Our ultimate commitment on pricing to beat our competition wherever possible remains on these offerings.



    [Audios ][Books ][DVDs ][Magazines ][Nifty ][Toys ][VHS ][Used ][Main ]